Sunday, December 12, 2010


This is the finished product,and my inspiration for my Jingle.
I'm sort of happy with it. Not really.
I find the colors are incredibly dull in this picture, but they are in real life as well. I think my font could have been much bigger and the color isn't that impressive. I sort of rushed myself on the poster part of this project, and the screen saver isn't the vibe i wanted to give off for my artwork. It seems to mainstream to me now, and my color choices dissapoint me a bit. I wanted it to be really magical looking, and don't get me wrong, i LOVE neon colors, and pop-culture pictures, but, i was aiming for a more mystical and less cartoon(ish) looking design.
To be honest, i don't know if i would really buy this iSkin for myself. It wouldn't be my first choice, but i do like it. Sort of. I had another option, this brick wall picture, it had little zippers and windows, doors, and peep holes, basically opening to another word. i adore the concept of that iSkin. I tried reasoning with myself, and finding deeper meaning in this painting, like i found with the brick wall. All i could come up with was the two strangers meeting and gazing at stars. Gee, so inspiring. (see jingle below.)

Nah, i'm pretty happy with it... I suppose.....
I guess on camera it looks really washed out and unprofessional. But, it looks like that in real life too :/
Steps to make this wonderful piece of art:
1. Get the iPad template
2. Draw design
3. Color design
4. Cut out design
5. Create slogan
6. Draw Slogan
7. Cut and paste onto poster (try to pick eye catching colors)
I've decided i'm pretty happy with my piece of work. :)

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