Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dance. (word art)

Word Art is NOW my current favorite project of design art.
I loved doing this project. I chose the word "Dance",
Our assignment was to make a picture that spelled out a word (a noun) somehow in the picture.
We also had to include different media in this project, and so what i did, was cut out the black figurines (the shapes of the letters) on a black paper and stick it onto a red paper. I also had 2 ribbons smoothly flowing in my picture, which i colored with purple and metallic silver.
I really liked this project and am most proud of my letter 'A', (it is the one that is the skirt in the picture) because i think the
sketching of that letter is exceptional, compared to all the rest.
I am stubborn, so, because of all the little spaces i had to cut in between i was hesitant to use scissors, so i used that pocket knife thing, which was not the smartest move, on my part. I made some of the ends rugged because of that knife, so i had to go back and cut off the torn bits.

1.Draw letters seperately (or if they are all one color, on one piece of paper)
2. Cut letters out
3. Arrange letters on background piece of paper so they spell out a word
4. Glue arranged letters
5. Add any extra detailing! :D

Here is a picture of my finished project:

Here is a picture of an example of word art i found on the internet:
yes, yes, i know, it's VERY simillar to my piece of artwork, because it even features the ribbon.
-.-". I'm not sure how they resembled each other so much, but i like mine better (hehe) this one is too cartoonish. And seriously? Look at that 'E'. The girl on the top is in an unnatural position and the 'D' and 'A' are so boring, and not very creative.
At least in my opinion.
I feel special! i like my own artwork more then a 'so called professional' piece of artwork.

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