Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Very Deep Jingle. :)

Alone in the night sky, the lone star shines bright.
Only strangers can see the light.
Burning underneath the rays,
This star marks the end, of lonesome days.
They run from the castle, bursting for air, hoping their chemistry, will end their despair.

So, that was my incredibly deep, inspiring *JINGLE*

What this jingle means to ME: I see this jingle as a poem, but i sort of has a double meaning.

Lets decode my jingle!:

Alone in the night sky, the lone star shines bright
- This symbolizes the star, and more importantly, the strangers.
Only strangers can see the light.
- symbolizes the strangers, and how the star (sort of) brought them together.
Burning underneath the rays,
This star marks the end, of lonesome days.
- this line is probably the most significant of them all, it shows how the star and i guess the brightness and beauty of it, brought these two together, ending the lonesome days, subliminally, meaning the skin on the iPad, marks the lonesome days of your cold, skinless iPad.
They run from the castle, bursting for air, hoping their chemistry, will end their despair.
- To me this part signifies that they leave the place, but plan to start a new life, together. And honestly, it has no connection, whatsoever to the iPad. hehe.

But that was my goal with my Jingle anyway, i hope i succeeded.

i'm going to be making a better, improved version of this video, including a video.

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